Essential Oil Info Cypress of Provence (Evergreen Cypress)

16. Provence Cypress.


  • Best antitussive against dry coughs. Indispensable for "dragging" coughs, whooping cough...and in case of aphonia.
  • It is the answer to all congestion, whatever its location: small pelvis (during premenstrual syndrome or menstruation), prostate, venous or lymphatic, urinary.
  • Antiedema of the lower limbs, anti-cellulite.
  • Promotes circulation in general (anti couperose, antihaemarroids) activates venous circulation (anti-heavy legs)
  • Helps destock fat.
  • Facilitates drainage.
  • Behaves "like our estrogens".
  • Fights excessive sweating.

Contraindications: PROHIBITED throughout pregnancy and lactation.

NOT RECOMMENDED also in case of hormone-dependent fibroma and in case of dermatosis (swollen, tight, painful breasts).

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